Sunday, November 28, 2010

could of been better

told my sis tonight and didnt go the way I wanted. I mean she said she is there for me but I could tell thats just because she is family. Feeling pretty shitty and have been listening to music for the past 3 hours straight. 

might go into detail later on but not now, trying to get my head right


  1. I'm so sorry bud, maybe she just needs time to process everything:/ It took you awhile to make sense of it and be "ok" with it, and sometimes other people need that time too.

    Regardless, you know I'm here for you if you need absolutely know how to get ahold of me.

  2. She is probably just shocked. I think once it settles in she will open up to you. I think what you are doing will be very positive for you in the end. Hang in there. You have a lot of courage and it will pay off!!

  3. Sorry bro, but hey this happened to me actually. When I told my brother, he actually was pretty upset and disowned me. After a few hours and me talking to him, things settled and he accepted the fact that I was bi. Now we are actually really close and he's very protective of me when I even bring a guy around or a guy talks to me. He has even gone out with me to gay bars. Give her time, she'll come around. If you ever wanna chat, hit me up.

  4. aww you need a hug its going to be ok sometimes we dont get the reactions we want Love<~Peter~>

  5. I'm Sorry Bud! Everything will get better!

  6. Hey, I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope things get better.

  7. I agree with the other postings. Your sister is probably surprised and has to think this through. In some ways you aren't the person that she thought you were, but you really are - she just has to adjust her thinking. Give her some time.

  8. thanks everyone for the support, i really do appreciate it all. this blog has helped me express myself and gain support that i needed! thanks again!!

  9. Hey sorry I haven't been in touch much recently. That does suck about your sister, was kinda the same for me if I'm honest but its alot better now. I think it just took her a while to get her head around it. I guess think about it like it took you 6-7 years just to be comfortable enough with it to tell someone and she only just found out. Hope your feeling better.

    Did you watch the arsenal game today? I fucking love Nasri. Top of the league baby.

  10. Thanks man, ya I have thought about that and its true. I have to give her time and hopefully she will come around to it.

    But naw, I saw highlights and its fucking awesome!! I was watching the chelsea game instead and everton were taking it to them! everton should of won though
