
Wednesday, October 3, 2012



  1. Hey man, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog. I read the entire thing in the past couple days (creepy I know, but I don't sleep a lot). You seem to have an awesome attitude and perspective on life and you were crackin me up with your stories. I'm kinda in the same boat with the sports stuff, and also have a lot of regrets or things I would want to change. But I realized that while making the Olympics would be the ultimate high, it would not replace missing my family and friends and serious life events. If you had gone to a different school, you probably wouldn't have met your roommate or some of your other friends and its still could have turned out crappy. Anyways, thanks for being brave enough to post these kind of intimate experiences and details about your life. It has helped me do some critical thinking about my own situation. Take care.

  2. i stumble upon your blog and discover this video. thank you for posting this. i absolutely love it :) *hugs

    have a great weekend!

  3. Dude this video was awesome, it really touched me. Thanks for posting this video. I hope we find love

  4. Very moving, and beautifully made. Haven't seen anything like this before. Read your blog from time to time. Thanks for putting yourself out there. You're a gutsy guy.

  5. Greg-no problem at all, glad you enjoy my stuff!
