
Friday, November 4, 2011

Its always a good feeling

I honestly do feel like people take 'the news' better than expected. From how all of my friends have reacted to me telling them, I would NEVER of thought they would be so cool about it all. Just in general how my friends are I guess is why I thought they would take it differently. But yesterday I told another friend from back home. It was kind of random but ive been meaning to tell him for a while, just never got the right feeling to do it. Somehow yesterday I got it.

I sent him a text the night before saying I need to tell him something tomorrow so when he gets time, hit me up. Him being a D1 basketball player, I figured he wouldn't get much time to chat and I had lifting and practice, so I decided to send him a facebook message. This was the first time ive used this method of coming out but it worked out in the end.

Here is what I sent him:
"so i have this thing that I have been meaning to tell you for a while but its just not the easiest thing to do and I just didn't want to tell you in fear of losin a friend... i hope you understand and just know that im not any different than before tellin you this... but im gay :/ ive known for a while but havent told to many people because i didnt want negative reactions and didnt want to lose the group of friends i have. ive told bob, fred, salley, and lucy back in january during christmas break but have been conscious of who else to tell. im not very proud of it but i also dont really want to hide it as much if that makes sense. im not gonna change into a flamer or anything like that but thats just not me... you can ask me anything you want about it and i dont mind talking about it or you can talk to the other homies cause they've asked me a good amount of stuff. i just dont want for things to be awkward or weird and dont want to lose any friends over this small little detail of my life...." (changed the names of course haha)

After I sent the message, I sent him a text saying to check out his fb and he should probs read it alone since it could be a shocker. He replied a couple minutes later saying he replied and to hit him back after I read it. At that point, I just got to lifting and I had practice right after so I was pretty nervous the whole time playing. Right when I got into the lockeroom from training, I checked my fb to see his message. It was awesome to see his response and see that he didn't care. I texted him back saying thanks and I really appreciated what he said.

And this was his reply:
"Man as long as you're happy, I don't give a damn who you are into broham...ain't shit gon change this way! You'll always be my nig lol I appreciate that you think enough of me to allow me to be one of the few you have told tho" and he also sent this text later on... "Yea its nothin for real...I just wanna make sure I don't offend you in any way when we are all chillin ya know?"

So yeah, its always a great feeling when you come out to someone and their response is a good one.


  1. great news man! :) liked the names hahaha

    I know I should be tellin myself this too, but I suspect you will be proud of it eventually. like everythin else takes a while, but great to hear you're able to tell more friends and everything went really well

  2. Yay Socrkid! It sure is nice to have friends that back you up. It's only a matter of time when you'll end up telling someone, who will return the favor and share with you some similar gay/bi secret as well.

  3. making progress in living an open life. Not that you have to run down the road shouting it but it will be nice knowing that the people who care know it and accept you. Acceptance is what all of us are looking for!! Continued good luck with the process...

  4. Socrkid, I hope the next time you do it, its with the words "I'm proud of who I am" cause you should be. The fact that you right this blog, that you share all this with makes a difference proud of that man, your cool, the way you are! It's all about confidence, and you seem to have alot, honesty will bring respect!

  5. You've described exactly the reaction I've had from most folks. It's really a non-issue today (for our friends). I'm always humbled when people thank me for coming out to them - they seem honored to be trusted with that (very) personal information.

  6. Dude, you are so lucky to have friends who don't mind you being gay. I mean you must be relieved by now, and it looks like the days ahead will be breezy and sunny for you. I found your blog by accident and I loved the way you write and express yourself. I come from a completely different background from yours and i just wonder whether you would be interested to know my story from my blog. if so then you can view it through this link times man.

  7. my e-mail account is

  8. thanks everyone! yeah i'm sure i will get the point to where i'm proud of who i am but it will take more time. im just glad i got such good/open-minded friends that dont care

  9. congrats man. i'm at a very different point than you are with things, but your blog really helps me out. it is so encouraging to see all this work out positively with someone i can relate to. just wanted to say thanks for keeping this blog up and it does more good than you know haha

  10. Check it

  11. Socrkid: There's hope for you in the professional soccer world. Same story, different source:
