
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

this shit sucks to see

This was written on "Freds" iPad from a teammate... (Fred, Peter, and the kid who wrote are all on my team).  So its just a joke but its still some shit that kind of pisses me off. None of these guys know about me and im not sure if I want them too. Im pretty close with the kid who wrote it and the other two guys are just friends/teammates I guess. Not guys that I would hang out with one on one. But here it, just copied and pasted it from facebook...
my name is Fred. Unfortunately I am coming to the realization that I am a fucking faggot. I really and truly like dick. All of my friends joke around about me being gay but the joke is on them because, in fact, I am 100 percent homosexual. Sometimes when I'm alone I like to take off all of my clothes and go on my roommate Peter's facebook page. I think he is just perfect and I can see myself being with him for the rest of my life. How do I tell him this? How do I tell him that what he thinks is a joke is actually my life? How do i tell him that he's always on my mind and that I would do anything to be with him? One day he will know the truth. But for now, I will just go with the flow and keep pretending I fuck girls in order for all the guys to think I am straight, when really I am jacking off thinking of them. One day Peter will be mine and I will be all his. One day he will know that it has not been a joke all this time. One day the world will know that I, Fred, am in love with penis.


  1. This is the part where, scary as it is, you come out to them. Standing by and letting it happen is what allows this shit to continue to happen. Maybe you lose friends in the process, but at least you're not letting them continue to be ignorant.

  2. You can stand by and let this happen or speak up. I use to fear leaving a room for the fear that my "friends" would be discussing my sexuality. Those where never friends. I came out to myself and a few friends during my senior year of college and I'm glad I did. It will get easier.

  3. shitty move by them. any chance the homies who know would say something to them?

  4. I won't tell you whether you need to come out or not to these teammates. My only advice is to keep your head up and shake the hate off. Care about what people say that matter most to you, not the joe schmoe's of the world. Chin up.

  5. You need to tell the "friend" who wrote it, in a private conversation, that you found the article offensive. You can say you had a friend in Texas who is gay if he asks why. You can also follow your gut instinct of what to do depending on the direction the conversation takes. A friend will apologize. I don't condone being deceptive, but you should confront the writer for both your self worth and to support all GLBT people who sometimes deal with this kind of crap from ignorant people. Take Care!

  6. I think what everyone else said is true; I would say something.

    I used to write crap like this. Why? Because I was a "fucking faggot" and I wanted to be intimate with the guy I was writing about, or telling the fag joke to, or --- you get the picture.

    By making a Westboro Baptist Church-type comment, I could judge reactions. If the guy I was writing this stuff to flirted back with me, I figured I might have a chance with him. If he turned all macho, I figured he was a lost cause. At least I would break the ice on the subject of fucking the guy I had a crush on.

    Stupid thinking? You bet. But I thought that way. Could be that your friend has that thinking too.

    When you come out to your friend, you might want to avoid saying "I was pissed at what you wrote." I would say something like "I was concerned what your reaction might be because I read what you wrote about Fred and Peter." Keep it open ended. Ask him how he feels about the news. You may find that over time, he will come out to you.

  7. Honestly from the way you described it, I wouldn't think that they really had much of that negative attitude towards homosexuality. What they wrote seemed well thought out and showed greater depth than I would expect from someone who just thought badly of anyone who's into the same sex. I could actually see something like this happening with my friends and we would find it funny, even though they know I like guys.

  8. I would say fuck him and who cares what he thinks. But if we didn't care what people thought we wouldn't be blogging about coming out. If you feel comfortable saying something then do it. Get some of your friends that know and have them there. That way he knows he will get his ass kicked if he does it again. Haha. But at the same time I see how if you weren't ready to tell him or he wouldn't handle it well it could make shit awkward at soccer. I wish there were an easy answer but it's always just a person by person situation, sorry.

  9. Socrkid: I would call you very courageous if you stood up for yourself and not take crap from your "friends" -- it's a hard think to do to go against the grain but if you want them to stop this nonsense, you are going to have to say something. It's easy to bash people when you don't think you have any connection to them but if you give them a familiar face, they will be more sympathetic.
