
Thursday, August 25, 2011

told some teammates!

So after some thinking and reading old stories about athletes on teams coming out, I decided to go for it. And the whole gay thing was on my mind a lot this past week so I needed to tell somebody the secret...Well it turned out, I would tell 3 guys. I told all of them on separate nights and they all took it really well.

The first guy, I told this past Sunday night. He is also my roommate along with my teammate that already knows. So the two guys Im living with this year know. They wont be freaked out now if I bring a guy back (if I ever find one) haha. But it was pretty easy too, I just told him I needed to tell him something earlier in the night. So after one of our friends left, he asked me what it was I needed to tell him. He just got out the shower and was drying off and was like "so what was it that you were gonna tell me?", I kind of laughed and just said put some clothes on and I'll tell you. Would of been a bit ironic if I told him while he was naked in front of me lol. So he put clothes on and came into my roomys room who already knows. I just explained the situation how I told my other roomy back in October (crazy its been so long since i've told him!!) and that Ive told my family and stuff. He was a kid I've wrote about that is religious and has said some stupid stuff about gay people but he was real cool about it. He didn't mind it and said some stuff about bible references that made sense and were kind of in my favor so it was cool. After like 10 minutes of talking, he was like "alright, I got a you beat off then?" Me and my other roomy started cracking up and I just said yes and he had a pretty funny look on his face. It was just random that was like the only question he asked. haha

Then I told the 2nd teammate Monday night. He came over to play fifa and we were waiting on other teammates to get here cause they had study hall and we didnt so he was playing while i was on my laptop. I just told him during the game that I needed to tell him something once he was done. He paused the game and just said to tell him now but I kept saying I will tell him after. He laughed and was said I was scaring him lol but so after the game ended, I explained the situation to him how I told the guy the previous night and my other roomy last year. He was real cool about it and said that I shouldn't hide it and I should be proud about it. Im still in the stage of accepting it and I think im trying to tell people that way its for sure (if that makes sense). Like i still think its weird I like dick and stuff haha... Anyways back to the story: I told him and he told me that he has a gay uncle he is real close to and an aunt who is gay as well. He related to it and stuff and it was real cool. He thanked me for telling him and was proud of me for telling him. It felt good to hear him say that. (if yall remember an old post about me and my teammates at zaxbys last semester, this was the kid who said he would kill his child if it was gay, so i know like that stuff doesnt mean shit if people actually do come out) So then i sent him a text that night thanking him for being so cool about it all and it meant a lot to me. He replied "yea man im always here for you bro!! you my nig too! appreciate you trustin me n tellin me man. That takes alot of courage. You will always be my homie!" then 2 minutes later "dawgg I gotta tell u a funny story chick came over again hahaha this is funny" So nothing has changed between us since telling him haha

Then last night was the 3rd guy I told. I asked him to download me a cd (The Carter IV, lil Waynes new cd, its sick so check it out) cause the school blocks our internet and cant download shit here. So he got it and I asked if I could come by and get it and said ya and I told him I needed to tell him something as well. I got there, got the cd, then started talking a bit. Then just told him. How I told the other guys and everything. He has 3 gay cousins and some friends back home that are gay as well so he was real chill about it. He also said I should be proud of it and that it took mad courage to come out. He thanked me for keeping him in the circle of trust so he could know haha. Then he apologized for anything in the past he said that would be offensive. i thought that was pretty sick of him to do that. I just told him, its all in good fun and its not takin seriously. But that was it really. We were together today and nothing any different. This kid is the roommate of the 2nd guy I told so they might talk about it and I said its cool if they do. Also to ask me anything if they have questions or anything.

So ya, pretty big steps I think and might be telling a couple more soon. Im just to the point of I dont care what others think cause Im junior, do work on the field and people respect me on and off the field (sounds cocky i know but it helps me build confidence lol)

Got our first season game tomorrow against a ranked team so should be sick. Pretty excited to start this season. I needs to get to bed now, class in the am... Later world!


  1. That's awesome! So happy for u! :-)

  2. Socrkid: Damn! You are growing up so fast. And finding out people say a lot of things casually but it doesn't always show how they feel. It is unfortunate but some people reflect the larger world around them when really on a personal level, they really surprise you. I'm glad you are finding that a lot of your friends are true to you no matter what. That tells me you are an awesome dude that others like and respect.

  3. One word says it all: "Congratulations!!"

  4. So awesome you can come out to these guys and have them all go well, you surround yourself with some good people man! And I have to say, I got the exat same comment from my roommate kevin my freshman year. Like if we're gay we cant beat off? Idk thought that was funny. Take care man and im glad your finding your way, its a cool thing to read as it develops!

  5. LOL!!! Who DOESN'T beat off? Gawd! In high school and college (and in law school etc) I was the King of the Hand. LOL!!!

    Anyway, on the serious side: Congratulations! You are realizing some important stuff, like people talk smack all the time. I have had friends of mine stalling the coming out process because a father or brother made some stupid comment about blowing up gay people, disowning them, etc. When it turns real, and comes home to them, I have found that people who say they "hate gays" don't have any real opinion on the subject so they feel they have to express some aversion.

    Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!! Congrats!!


  6. Good for you, it's another step to being who you are. It reminds me when I came out to a very close friend from childhood. I started with "You need to sit down for this." After I was done she said, "Now it's your turn to sit down," and that's how we came out to each other. Still makes me laugh when I think about it.

  7. Dude congrats! Really glad for you.

  8. David -- LOL!! That happened to a couple of friends of mine too. The "mutual coming out party." I think Socrkid may very well find that he has a lot more in common with some of his teammates than sports.


  9. I happy for you that it went so well. Most people your age have friends or family who are gay so they're OK with it. But the guy who said that he would kill his child if he was gay has a gay uncle and a lesbian aunt? That makes no sense.

  10. Awesome! You're such an amazingly strong guy, telling you want tot come out to the team and bang, some days later its like that. :-)

    On a sidenote, it seems you've already seen more dick than me in my whole lifetime, with that bunch of roomies/teammates always running around naked, seems like paradise lol ;-)

  11. Look at this boy go! You are kicking some serious ass. This deserves a big congrats! I am so happy for you man and knowing all of your friends are supportive is sooo sick! The more support you have, the easier it will be to continue coming out to more people. But seriously, I'm proud of you bud

  12. it is so awesome that you are feeling comfortable telling more people. where do you get the balls to do it? some of us other guys could use some tips lol. anyway good luck with the new school will be dunzos before you know it!

  13. I'm glad your teammmates know now. I'd like to be in your situation but I just can't do it though I have been very close, but then something happens or I hear a stupid comment related to gay people and I decide not to do it. So far one of my friends know but somehow I still feel as if nobody kew. Thanks.
