
Friday, April 23, 2010

this guy

So in one of my classes, there is a guy that stares at me all the time. I have caught him numerous times just eying me. Its awkward when I catch him because its that unwanted eye contact. I don't really know if he is in too me but I just find it weird that he keeps looking at me. I wouldnt mind if he was in to me because he is a good looking guy. I just wish there were some other clues he would give me to let me know this. This has been going on all semester and now that it is coming to an end, I wish I did something about it. I dont know how I would go about doing so, but I wish I did.

Today in class, I was doing the looking and he turned and made eye contact. This was a longer than usual one also. I dont know what I could do to get his attention and without putting myself in a bad situation. I wouldnt want to be the one to ask him and for him to completely deny it. Then it would put me in a bad spot. I dont have any other classes with him and I dont even see him any other time. Probably wont pursue it just to avoid embarrassment.

Kind of a random thing but had to get it off my mind


  1. lol dude i gotta say thats kinda creepy. at least for me, no matter how good looking a guy may be, if he's creepy he'd turn me off haha. ya but i really dunno wut to do in ur situation. but good luck with that man.

  2. I don't think it's creepy. He may be in the same situation you are, in the closet and afraid to take the first step. One thing that you could do is go up to him before or after class and introduce yourself. You can see if the conversation goes well, and if so ask if he wants to get coffee or something with you. You don't have to say anything more, just talk and see what happens. He could be straight, but even so you could end up with a friend. It never hurts to just talk to someone.

  3. well if he just stares at you and make no effort in some friendly convo of any sort it is kinda creepy. even i dont CONSTANTLY just stare at guys i like and have those awkward/unwanted eye contacts. the dude could at least say something. but green and purple is totally right, try to initiate some kind of friendly interaction to get to know him.

  4. I'd say go talk to him and make conversation. Just ask if he wants to hang out. Get a feel about him. If he is into you and hes into you then he would probably do something when your alone. Don't regret this man because it sounds like he might be into you and is closeted.

  5. Dude, don't feel bad, I'm in the same situation, even though I'm out of the closet. I don't go around announcing it, etc, so I know a lot of people still think I'm straight. I have one girl in one of my classes hitting on me all the time, and I don't know how to say I'm gay and I just want to be friends. And then in two of my other classes, these guys keep looking at me. I talk to them and joke around with them, but we never hang out more outside of class to know whether or not they want to pursue something. So don't feel bad due, even people out of the closet go through the same situation. I haven't gotten comfortable enough yet to approach a guy... I don't know if I ever will.

  6. Its not like a creepy stare but its just awkward when we make eye contact. I probably wont say anything in order to stay safe. I dont want to risk being outed or look like an idiot over something so small.

  7. dude, just go have a random chat about the work your doing, just go 'hey, did you follow such and such' and at least have a conversation. I remember thinking when i was in the closet that everyone was watching my every move waiting for me to slip up, because thats what *I* was doing. But honestly, no one cares who you are talking to, just as you don't care who most of the people in your class have conversations with.
    just a suggestion... :-)
    take it easy bud
    ps nice one Arsenal :-)

  8. same thing happened to me over summer school. the dude was so freakin hot! we kept making eye contact, but never talked. i kinda regret not having the balls to even talk to him. if even just about stupid random stuff.
    on an up-note, the guys i did end up talking to after being checked out/checking out, were always gay and many are still friends today
